If you’d like to be a Student Leader, or discuss how you might best serve our youth, call me at 863.465.2422 or email me at [email protected]. I’d love to talk to you! ~Stuart Upton
An Exciting Church is a Church on a Mission for the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We are launching new ministry teams and want you to join our movement! The teams will be a Welcome Team, Drama Ministry, Wednesday Night Kids, Sunday Kids , Youth , Missions , Outreach , Church Events ,Prayer Vigil , Visitation , Healthcare Service , Wednesday Night Dinner , Fun & Fellowship , Altar Ministry and Small Groups .
If you would like to be or already are a leader serving on a committee (Finance, Trustees, SPRC, or Church Council) we are hosting a 3-week training. Beginning in the Rob Reynolds Hall we will cover what the committees are called to be and do; the type of skills, gifts, graces and temperaments for each committee member: and the spiritual practices needed to be a healthy sustained leader.
The class will be fun, practical and interactive. This class is meant to help you discern if you are called to serve on one of the four administrative committees in our church. You are not committing to serve on a committee by attending, so come and check it out to see if God is calling you to serve. Please RSVP by calling the office at 863-465-2422. |
Please join us for the monthly Worship Service at Lake Placid Health Care Center on the second Sunday of every month at 3:45 PM. What a blessing this service is to all the residents who look forward to it and especially to those volunteers that participate in it. We can use your help! If you would like to join the Healthcare Worship Service Team to help in any way please see Ginger Keimel or give her a call at 863-465-7930. You will be richly blessed.